Thank you for your response. I certainly can agree with the husband-wife, attorney-client, doctor-patient privileges. However, as you suggested implicitly, many of us find quite troublesome how religion uses and abuses the clergy-penitent privilege, especially in cases of child abuse, where it has become very clear that the so called spiritual leaders are bent of protecting their material, earthly possessions and have no regard for the well being of children. Their greed takes them as far as protecting known pedophiles, who in many cases will go on to abuse more children. You see why this religious privilege is hard to justify when you set it against the other three categories, attorney-client, doctor-patient and husband-wife. I hope that, as the distaste for religion grows and its political influence wanes, law makers reconsider this undeserved privilege for religion.
Richard, regarding your last post.
You are right, the Watchtower becomes an extraordinarily worldly organization in the secular courts. Truth, honesty, humility, cooperation and the pursuit of the greater good for the community are qualities that are left outside of the courtroom. But when it comes to dealing with the flock, the Watchtower leadership demands those qualities like tyrants who are ready to apply the harshest punishment to anyone who dares question their views or orders.
One word: Hypocrites!